
niedziela, 11 lutego 2018

Prosty włócznik | A simple spearman

Dziś, dla odmiany (hehe) znowu szkielet, tyle że metalowy staroć. Figurkę wydano w 1987 pod jakże chwytliwą nazwą Spearman, a jej autorem jest Aly Morrison. Podejrzewam, że tego rodzaju rzeźby trzaskał po trzy między przyjściem do pracy i wyjściem na lunch;)

No cóż, spójrzmy prawdzie w oczy, nie jest to ani szczyt skomplikowania rzeźbiarskiego, ani też top ten najlepszych undeadów produkcji Citadel. Sam w sumie nie wiem jednak dlaczego, po pomalowaniu ten prosty szkielet całkiem mi się podoba. To chyba magia farb;)

Today, for a change (heh) skeleton again, but an old metal one. It was released back in 1987 as Spearman, it was sculpted by Aly Morrison. My guess is that he was able to sculpt three such miniatures in the time between breakfast and lunch;)

Well, let's be honest - this miniature is not "a painter's dream" and definitely not top ten (very far from it) of Citadel's undead. But, as strange as it is, I rather like it painted. It is magic of the paints I guess.

3 komentarze:

  1. I think what makes the all Morrison Skelton so great when they're painted is that they appear to having facial expressions, even though they are skulls.

    What did you use to shade him with, specifically on the skull?

    1. Yep, they simply have character:)
      As most of my rank and file skeletons, this is simply undercoated white, then washed wholly with Devlan Mud or Agrax Earthshade and then drybrushed - this one was drybrushed very lightly with some light grey color and then Pallid Wych Flesh. Last step was painting highlights on some long bones and upper surfaces with Pallid Wych Flesh mixed with bone color and some white. Skull was additionally blended with washes on temples. Sounds complicated a bit but actually it is very easy and rather fast.

  2. Mi się podoba ze względu na złośliwy uśmiech. No i grot włóczni też jest fajny!


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